Friday, August 23, 2013



Jong Woo Jeon

Environmental Problem

·        People creates too much garbage.

·        Land fields are full but people are still consuming too much.

·        People does not know about the serious of recycle.

Design Brief.

I am going to make a poster which is about environment(reduce, reuse, recycle, repair). I will be making this to tell people the serious of world environment.
In these days people really don’t care about environment and create a lot of trash. This poster is about 4r’s which stands for Reduce, Recycle, Repair and Reuse. This poster is to show the serious of world environment. Today the world is suffering with lots of trashes. To solve this problem people should change their attitude. They should reduce, reuse, recycle and repair instead of buying or creating new product. This poster might help people to realize the problem and change their attitude.

Design specification
This poster will contain these kinds of context:
  • It will contain Reduce, Reuse, Recycle and Repair symbol. The symbol will be green and it will be added on the top of the poster.
  • Before adding the symbol I will use Adobe Photo shop to edit the parts of the symbol. For example I didn't like the white back ground so I used Adobe Photo shop to delete the back ground. I also didn't like the gray colored background in the middle of the symbol so I deleted them.
  • The back ground will be a picture of half ocean and half desert in the middle of picture I'll put half green tree and half  brown. Also I'll put a gray bridge in the middle of the picture.
  •  Bibilography:

    "Save Money and the Environment With the Right Cleaning Supplies | Century Products, LLC." Century Products LLC. N.p., n.d. Web. 14 Aug. 2013

    "Green Weasel News: Gallery." Green Weasel News: Gallery. N.p., n.d. Web. 14 Aug. 2013.

The top right one will use reduce, recycle, repair and reuse symbol. It will also contain some texts about environment. The top left one is about half earth. Half of the earth will be preserved and cleaned but the half of them will be destroyed and polluted. It will also contain some texts about environment. The bottom right one is about ocean and desert. Half of the background will be ocean and the other half will be desert. In the middle of the back ground it will contain half green and half dead tree. It will also contain normal gray bridge in the middle.The bottom left one is about grizzly bear protesting in front of highway. There will be cars in the highway. This will also include some texts about environment.

I’m going to make a poster about half ocean and half desert. It will contain half dead tree and It will contain a bridge. There is a special meaning in this bridge. It means that if we care about environment, we will be able to revive the half dead tree.

I got 1 and a half month to make this poster which means I got 6 weeks. I will spent 3 weeks to get used to adobe indesign. The next week I will gather information and pictures. The next week I will edit the photos by using adobe photo shop. The last week I will create my poster with information I gathered and pictures I edited.

This poster has special meanings in each pictures. The symbol of reduce, reuse and recycle is just normal symbol to help people understanding the serious of environmental problem. But the back ground has really special meaning, ocean and desert means that world is becoming half ocean and half desert. The Bridge in the middle of the background means that if we care about environment, we will be able to revive the half dead tree.

I followed every single thing that I wrote in the design specification. Although it was my first time to design my own poster and create by myself, it was pretty excited and fun. I used two programs to make this poster. I used adobe photo shop and adobe Indesign. Those programs were awesome. I think we can make almost every kinds of poster with those programs. At first, I was going to make a tri fold brochure, but I found out that it was pretty hard to make for beginners. If I had more time, I could have studied more about adobe Indesign and tri fold brochure so I could make an amazing tri fold brochure.
Feedback from my friends:
Jin seong: The poster is good but it will look more better if you have more information.
Eun chong: It will look much better if it have more photos.
Marc: It will look much better if you had colorful texts.
This poster will help people to change their attitude. If people sees this poster they will realize how serious the situation is in these days. This poster explains the world being in to desert. I hope this environmental poster will help people to reduce, reuse, recycle and repair instead of buying or creating new product.


  1. Hi, I am trying to find a digital copy of the picture you have on your blog here. i am doing a trade show about the worlds water issues and i need a digital copy of your picture. I am putting it on a 10ft x 8ft poster board. I will pay for it, if need be. plz help? Jim

    1. I am really sorry. I haven't checked my blog for centuries.
      Do you still need it? no need to pay.
